
Cisco CWDM-CHASSIS-2 with CWDM-MUX-8A 8-channel multiplexer/demultiplexer

€ 253.43

Availability: 32 in stock
  • Tiefe der Rack-Einheit: Standard
  • Montagetyp: Standard
  • Anzahl der seitlichen Paneele: X
  • Produktart: Erweiterungschassis
  • Breite der Rack-Einheit: 19"
  • Marke: Cisco
  • Herstellernummer: CWDM-CHASSIS-2
  • Gewichtkapazität: Standard
  • Höhe der Rack-Einheit: Standard
  • Condition: Used


    8-channel multiplexer/demultiplexer
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    Cisco CWDM-CHASSIS-2 Passive Optical System two-slot chassis, 1 Rack Unit. The CWDM Two-slot chassis (CWDM-CHASSIS-2) is a standard 19-inch chassis that is one rack unit (RU) in height. Each CWDM two-slot chassis can hold two OADM modules or one OADM and an optical amplifier. You can install the CWDM two-slot chassis in the same equipment rack as your other switching equipment or in an adjacent rack.
    Cisco CWDM-MUX-8A 8-channel (1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590, and 1610) multiplexer/demultiplexer with monitor ports and LC connectors. Cisco CWDM solution based on CWDM gigabit interface converters (GBICs) and Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) and passive modules allows enterprise companies and service providers to provide scalable and easy-to-deploy Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel services in their networks. The product set helps enable the flexible design of highly available and scalable multiservice networks. The Cisco CWDM GBIC SFP solution is a convenient and cost-effective solution for the adoption of Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel in  campus, data-center, and metropolitan-area access networks. Because of the flexibility of the passive devices, Cisco CWDM solution helps enable the deployment of a variety of topologies to multiplex up to eight different wavelengths on the same pair of fibers in protected or unprotected configurations. A connection between two endpoints is protected when it is associated with two channels (typically of the same wavelength) traveling on diverse fiber routes (for example, clockwise and counterclockwise in ring configurations or on separate fibers in point-to-point scenarios). Single-wavelength OADMs are equipped with two channels traveling different network paths (east and west) to offer redundancy or protection in rings.
    € 4 Österreich, € 8 Deutschland, € 16 EU, $ 45 North America. Mehrere gleichzeitig gekaufte Artikel werden gemeinsam verschickt.
    /EN/ € 16 EU, $ 45 North America. Articles purchased at the same time will be sent together.
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